hello moon.
i'm so dull.: 12 March 2002, 8:11 pm.
i'm such a something. but i can't describe what right now.

i'm working slowly on puting together a mixtape. i don't know who/what it will be for. this involves listening to music. yes it does.

also i've been terribly enamoured of the computer lately (where the computer = all computers) and i think this means another hardware purchase may be in order eventually. mostly it just means i've been wasting a lot of time. and wasting a lot of time trying to find things with which to waste my time. i've gotten back into that "...no, don't make me go to class.." sort of place.


it's also that time of year again where bethany starts contemplating peircings. so far i have two ears and one cartilage and an eyebrow. what next? decisions decisions. and i'm not getting any genital piercings of any kind. NO!

it's actually has nothing to do with the time of year. i just seem to occaisionally start craving piercings. and then i do something about it or not.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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