hello moon.
mockery: 09 August 2002, 1:01 pm.
Right now I want to be wearing a skin tight body suit. 95% cotton and 5% spandex. Relatively thin fabric, so if I wore it outside on a brisk late-fall day I would be cold. So you still want to crawl under a blanket. Probably black. I want it to be nice and snug. I want it to cover my entire body. feet, toes toesock like, arms, fingers glove like, a hood that stops just at the edge of my face. I don't want any zippers. It can have a boat neck, and then the hood pulls up and over your head and buttons or ties or snaps somewhere. I want it to be all smoothness and all hugging me. and i want to be all snuggly snugged into my body suit in my bed reading The Brother's Karamazov and drinking really good english tea. Or watching a dumb movie.

This is not the case.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005