hello moon.
I needed this: 08 January 2003, 6:21 pm.
I definately like Amsterdam. Cities with canals. It's nice to be back in the civilized world. It's funny to have money in my hands that is worth something. There are shops everywhere, and lots of things in the shops. There is feeding myself what and when I want. There is a very beautiful apartment and a very nice girl who is hosting us. There are two cats. One of them slept on me last night. It is -3 and people are astounded at how cold it is. I am walking in the sun, laughing, wearing no hat and enjoying my chilly ears and stinging eyes. I am wearing comfortable clothing out of the house. I am going barefoot inside and not getting yelled at.

There is my brother.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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