hello moon.
10 feet above: 30 July 2003, 8:46 pm.
We've left figure painting behind and are moving on to landscape painting. Traditional landscapes generally involve the color green and leafy growing things which are colored said green. I hate green. It's my least favorite colour. It just doesn't listen to me. It has attitude big time and it's always sassing back.

And foliage is just fuckall.

I spent the afternoon climbing around on rocks and looking for bivalves and fish and really wishing that I owned a pair of waders. The thought of dropping everything that I've been doing for the past 4 years and going into acquatic zoology suddenly seemed like a wonderful idea. I would do bugs and mussels. I like mucking around in rivers looking for freshwater clams. That summer I worked for Reuben doing fieldwork was the best job I've ever had. And you can get grants and things to do science. And I have an amazing capacity for tedium. I'd be awesome at Orgo, just like me Mum. What's with this humanities shit anyway? I should be mucking around in rivers during my summers and spending my winters looking at slides through microscopes and grading papers. And I can paint rivers during the summer and slides during the winter. It'll be great.


I returned my first cellphone today, as immediately after I got it, my parents went out and got me a different one on their plan for half as much. It was all very simple. Far too simple if you ask me. I returned it and cancelled my plan within the 14 day trial period, but I feel like there probably ought to have been some amount of kicking and biting involved. Now I'm worried that it with end up kicking me instead, and they'll try to stick me with a cancellation fee anyway, and then I'll have to do a lot more kicking and screaming after the fact.

hopefully I'm getting my knickers hussied up for nothing. (note to self, this appears to be improper useage of both words 'knicker' and 'hussied').



dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005