hello moon.
mars calling: 17 February 2004, 1:31 am.
In some ways a wasted weekend, but in the end most of the waste was fun.

For Example: Contra Dancing. That's how I spent my Valentine's evening. I was highly skeptical and very irritable. But Ryan made me go and so I went and it was the most awesome ever. I intend to go to salvage and get a swishy skirt for wearing when I return for more Contra dancing.

The sleepover party was in some ways dissapointing. I signed on for the Ryan & Isaac boat for the evening, but the boat wasn't very cohesive. I suppose that's to be expected considering they live in one place now, see each other all the time. You've gotta have a bigger boat to manage that. But the french toast we made for breakfast in the morning was awesome, and scatergories was lots of fun, and there were many people to help eat all the way too much candy.

okay. I've gotta go to bed so I can get up tomorrow and spend all day working on finishing my paper for Russian. Its super hard to type in cyrillic cause typing is something that's so regularly ingrained fine-muscle reactions. The amount of thought and control invested is awesome.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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