hello moon.
airports suck.: 30 January 2002, 2:30 pm.

i'm hungry right now. and today is going to involve much with the running around and being late to places and its going to suck.

hmm. that sounds suspiciously like yesterday. yesterday I had a doctor's appointment in EL, just to get a shot. and then I also went to the secretary of state and got my plates renewed, because I was there and I could and I had forgotten and they expired on the 21st.

So now my arm is sore and i'm at work and its another day like the one before and I'm going to be busy and running all over the place. and I'm hungry. And I skipped class last night and then this morning too, even though I stayed up until 2a finishing the work for it and I don't know what's wrong with me I was doing well and I don't feel particularly out of it right now but at the same time I'm moving in the sitting-on-my ass-reading-Mercedes-Lackey-books-All-the-time-instead-of-doing-anything-fun-or-productive sort of direction. though I'm not quite there yet. And that only leads further into the hole.

I'm seriously need to not skip class anymore this semester (except for necessary things, like drs appts). I really need to involve myself in my classes and everything, instead of just being excited about them in my head.

Now I'm going to go running all the hell about tonight. I agreed to pick various people up from the airport and drop others off. I guess I'm a sucker. And then it started snowing this morning, which had a large part in why i didn't get out of bed, even though I like snow, the thought of it being cold and snowing in my face was a little much piled on top of everything else. like my sweet warm sleep-filled bed. So now I get to drive frantically around and be late places, In the Snow. Yay!

And the last time there was any getting picked up at the airport it was this summer when I'd been Out West with family and I had an overnight flight and John came to pick me up at approximately 6a or something, and we missed each other and wandered around for at least an hour looking for each other and I got totally extremely panicked and then I found him and then basically the first thing out of his mouth was about Eileen, because they'd been doing all this bonding shit (this was when she had just crashed her car) and he wanted to tell me about it because he felt really guilty and so we spent the entire ride back talking about Eileen and about how they'd had this really good talk and gone swinging and she hugged him and He Fucking Shook and he was making a very big deal out of it, which meant that it Was a Big Deal, because it wouldn't necessarily had to have been, and I hate flying and I'd been up All Night and it was the beginning of the end. A very slow and painful end.

geez. listen to me go.

anyway, I have bad associations with the airport, and I'm gonna have to drive in the snow towards Detroit at 5p and be worried about being late and basically I'm making a big deal out of this and I should just not worry.

Also I should go do other shit right now.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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