hello moon.
the return of vice: 08 February 2002, 12:30 pm.
i like having crushes on people. i also like drinking tea. i should attempt to contrive a situation in which i can drink tea with people on whom i have crushes. i am currently nursing a Number of crushes; i'd say that the total comes to around 6 right now, all of whom i believe are unavailable, which is probably a good thing, i suppose.

attached to various people other than me, far away, and one's my GSI, and you aren't allowed to sleep with your teachers. at least not when you have them for class..

i occaisionally stop and notice, and I never cease to be amazed how many beatiful people there are in the world. I like beatiful people.

gah. i really desperately need a shower. and i need to wash my hands. my under my fingernails is so grimey.

crush crushcrush.

okay, so i've gotta go to class now i guess. i suck at doing homework. by which i mean i don't. but i was a bit distracted last night. or busy or something.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
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a march of pub - 06 August 2005