hello moon.
a simple miscalculation: 25 March 2002, 11:33 am.
still up. and um, going strong? i made myself a pot of coffee at about 5am and drank it all myself by 8am and then went to class at 8.30am. I now have immense shoulder and neck related issues, as per usual after a vigorous bout of color homeworking. so i'm up and i'm tired and i'm dirty and i have class again in an hour and i have been up roughly 24 hours now. and it is bitter cold out again and i think i have bloody nose. except without the blood gushing part.

here is proof of what a snob i can be. sometimes its funny and sometimes its irritating. anyway, the story. i have a crush on this person, and this person is busy being interested in somebody else, and i was being irritated at him for it (just in my head) the other day and it occured to me that he's too smart for her. well this is clearly a snobby thing to think. but it gets better. so i'm busy being irritated at that. until it occurs to me that: hey, this probably means i'm too smart for him. and i'm comforted by this and all is well. except that turning crushes off isn't that easy. and neither is acquiring good posture. i can't believe i'm such a snob. of course i'm clearly not too bothered by this. enough so that i find it rather funny, which is why i'm putting this here at all. laugh damn you!

someone in my house was reading an article in a newspaper (did i write about this already? i feel like i have..) wherein the author called George W. Bush a rockstar. i ask you all: What the fuck is this world come to if "George W. Bush" and "rockstar" can go in the same sentence. George W. Bush is Not a rockstar. Here, we'll set up a little rubrick: David Fucking Bowie, now there's a RockStar. George W. Bush, not a rockstar.

so i ask you, What the fuck is wrong with us? well, i have a few ideas.. but that aside, I have developed a test for humanity. unfortunately i can't tell you what it is, because that would entirely negate its effectivenes. however, if you ever pass it i'll tell you. i honestly don't know if i would pass it myself. but, umm that's okay, because its my job to administer it.

i saw mysara this weekend and it was good. we hung out. we bought underwear. i bought a shirt as well, and i'm not sure if it was a mistake or not. it's pretty tight, but that's not what worries me.

god. i have such bad posture.

okay. for some reason i'm sitting here eating jellybeans (i really do have a problem. someone should come and confiscate them and put me in rehab. they're totally a gateway candy) and updating my journal instead being in the shower and becoming gloriously clean. what's wrong with me?

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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