hello moon.
stiff fingers. morning after.: 24 April 2002, 8:25 am.
okay, so donuts are good for you when you've been up all night right? but actually, i had half a canteloupe and a lot of cottage cheese and two cups of coffee for breakfast. yumm. if i'd had it in me i would have eaten delicious delicious eggs as well.

its a shiny cold morning. i like this time. when i was walking home from the computer lab at 6:30ish this morning it was all sunny and new in that hazy morning sort of way. and there were construction workers with their lunch boxes all walking to work and i said good morning to them and smiled, because it is a good morning!

and then i walking down the street and i almost stepped on a bird. it was all fat to keep warm and hanging out on the sidewalk. it hopped out of the way a little bit and cried a couple of times. it didn't look obviously hurt though, and its eyes and its hopping were quite peppy. i was kind of worried about it though. but i don't know Anything about birdies. i watched it for a while over my shoulder.

i hope the birdie is okay!

there are so many things i want to do this summer. and of course i will do approximately none of them. i started making lists yesterday. there are so many books to read. and i want to sew. and i really want to actually finish my jacket. and i want skirts. and i already have fabric for them and everything, so it wouldn't be cheating on my "you must save all the money ever this summer" doctrine. and it would make it easier to not buy that skirt that i want over at jcrew. (i know. ewww. but it's really a very nice skirt and all corduroy and i just swoon for corduroy).

erm. and i made a movie list too, and its about 10zillion movies long, and i just want to be walking around. and i want to do yoga. and finish old projects. and paint. and paint a mural. and work on all these stories. and do this icc stuff (which i am admittedly kind of excited about). and bake things a lot.

i am now, in some small ways, regretting that i'm not going home for the summer. because I'm going to be away for an entire year, and it'd be kind of nice to have the whole summer with my family before i go. and it would also be a lot cheaper.. but then i think it would be harder to find jobs, and its really important to me to be here this summer social-wise, cause i just am slow with the whole getting used to people thing, and it'll be really good to have this extra time to cement ties and enjoy being settled into this world.

i spent a good deal of last night listening to BBC radio 6music. very good and eclectic. and the rest was spent listening classical music on WKAR. i think they tend to have boring classical music. cliche. but i don't actually know enough about the subject to really tell. but i do know that Pablo Casals play(ed) cello, and that there are composers other than Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, (all good in their own right, but, come on guys! what about the fuckload of really good russian composers, for example. or the more moderner ones like Chopin. or Satie, he's funny...).

okay. that's the entirety of my musical knowledge nicely encapsulated in that previous paragraph. and i played violin for 6 years. I know enough to get slapstick musical jokes, but i have no wit, no subtlety, no history, no theory.

my color teacher would come up with the strangest associations for things, but it has inspired me to try to connect things in my environment more. (this color feels really heavy in these compositions, like mashed potatoes, but not the light fluffy kind, like out of a box or whipped or something, but the heavy sticky kind).


dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005