hello moon.
plethora is a damn good word: 28 May 2002, 1:28 am.
i've been crushing, and its not at all helping me to be responsible.

there are way too many things to accomplish right now, and they were all supposed to be done a week ago.

my dad came and picked me up this morning in his miata. we drove back to lansing with the top down. we took the scenic route, but it didn't take us home. it only took us over a river and back to the freeway again. it was beautiful. and I got a stupid sunburn. stupid because my skin is angry red and I have a seatbelt mark across my chest. and stupid because I always get sunburns and I even had sunscreen with me, and yet here I am at the end of the day with my stupid sunburn.

highnecked shirts for a few days. its sort of like having a hicky. (ah, would that i had one..)

I've been exhausted lately. Taking naps, sometimes long ones, sometimes unintentional, in the afternoons. Sleeping away my precious time. I feel like there's something wrong with me and this is the only symptom. I've been sleeping an adequate amount and yet the naps just creep up on me. They force themselves upon me and then I wake up hot and confused, wishing I were a pile of kittens.

I used to only dream about sex. or the only dreams I remembered for maybe two years were very explicit dreams about sex.

I wouldn't mind if these visited me again.

Now I dream only occasionally and then about odd things, like someone needing tape. Or eggs. Banal dreams.

I don't remember nearly enough Russian.


Here's my list of things to accomplish tomorrow. I tried to make it realistic. Now I only wish I had someone to hold me to it:

job stuff - pink postcard (this involves a lot of calling people and places)

visa pictures (I need to get a bunch of passport-type photos taken to send in with my Visa application. Did I mention I'm going to Russia?)

mail stuff (shite load of things to mail off for program. including some sensitive material. and some things I have to finish filling out, including a placement/assesment test. I remember nothing from a month ago)

call Lilli (to be language partner)

Minnies meeting

Lord of the Rings(?) (I am now, for the very first time in my life reading the fellowship of the rings. If you know me, you realize that this is a little surprising, considering all the other fantasy books I've read. repeatedly. Also, you don't want to know how many times I've seen the movie now. But it is at the cheap theater.)

my mother was jealous to hear that I play Boggle and Set regularly. Boggle has become a sort of daily ritual or something. My best round to date is a 25 point round, which is soundly crushed by the towering 37 point round which I have yet to attain.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005