hello moon.
what just happened?: 16 July 2002, 9:48 am.
I haven't been getting enough sleep. Or eating enough food. Or recieving enough hugs.


also, early ideas of robots were concieved through the assumption that the way people do things is the best and most efficient way to do things. So when creating a robot to work in the kitchen peeling potatoes, the victorian mad scientist didn't think about what the most efficient way to get potatoes peeled was, he thought about how to create a robotic imitation of Ursula, his german maid who currently sat in the kitchen peeling potatoes. Hence this robotic idealization, robotics taking over the world, robotic romances etc. And hence rubber tubing. (coming with me on that? eh?)

I am so in love with Mr. Tock from "Return to Oz." Someday I'm going to grow up and marry Mr. Tock and we will have lovely robotic sex and lots of little robot babies. And our robot love will be shunned by society until they see the beauty of my little robot babies, and then there will be a world revolution in robot rights and then (and only then) robots will take over the world. None of this all out flaming robot wars, it will be a gentle and subversive revolution.

A revolution of ducks on pedastles.

There's a woman who comes into work and I swear she is the log lady. One day she will bring her log with her and start prophesying, and then we will know the end is near.

things to watch: Jason movies, Twin Peaks (yes again), LOTR baby, Richard III (with Sir Ian McKellan), Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Legend, Lady Hawk, Alien 1,2,&3, Something in which Christopher Walken plays someone other than the bad guy/devil archetype, animated 70's LOTR, Sleepy Hollow (I love it when Johnny Depp plays sensitive dorky wimps), something else with Johnny Depp, that new movie that's coming out with Christian Bale and dragons in it, yeah.

stories. please tell me stories. please.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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