hello moon.
that adore: 14 February 2003, 12:15 pm.
hmm. This computer switches to Cyrillic everytime I open a new window/program. Lovely.

Today sucked. Yesterday sucked.

Lets talk about snow instead.

I like snow, its white and fluffly and cold. It falls FROM THE SKY. Sometimes it gets in your ears and it really bites because then your ear's all cold and wet.

Lets talk about underwear instead.

The russian word for cowards is exactly the same as for women's underwear - i believe bras. The stress is just different. This made for a few moments of hilarity in class yesterday.

Lets talk about my head instead.

My head is roundish and very heavy. It sits on top of my neck, which is a complex structure of interlocking bones and lots of muscles and other things that go with bones and muscles. Approximately 1/2 the surface area of my head is devoted to hair. The other half is another complicated structure of muscles and fats and such, so that I can manipulate with minute control in order to "make faces".

Inside my head is a strange mush of brains and such. Somehow I manage to store large quantities of information in there. I think its kind of full right now. I need to find the bung and let some of the water out. Equalize the pressure a little bit. Then I need to have a giant spring cleaning. I should go out and buy some Windex, and Comet and those green scrubbie things. And a bucket.

Getting up at 6.30 is just not going to work for me.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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