hello moon.
expotitions through och ochone: 22 March 2003, 4:03 pm.
It's spring. I have a chronic problem getting to theater dates. I've developed an amazing knack for wasting time. Introversion is becoming not simply a character trait but a way of life. I have learned a very important skill: to be unhappy without being depressed. I like to look at the sky. I read This Side of Paradise yesterday. I am wearing my wicked pretty coat. I am sitting and my head is attached to my neck. Which is good, I'd kind of forgetten where it went.

This is what I will tell you about this side of paradise: F.Scott.Key.Fitzgerald knows the english language. And the importance of naming. (thayer darcy. amory blaine) if I could name this well I would already know how to fly. (hidden inside is: A Lament For a Foster Son, and He Going to War Against the King of Foreign). We'll count this part of the reading list. The Supply part of the equation is failing me right now.

This is what I wanted when I was leaving. A lament, an ode, a song sung on low woodwinds singing me goodbye. But that is okay, because I will return to life and not leave out of it and wander in between it.

I think it is time I learned to be afraid of calendars. and calanders, although I'm quite sure what they are just yet.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005