hello moon.
never be afraid: 21 September 2003, 12:28 am.
My baby bird thing is the light of my life. Pets are addictive. Slippery slope and etc. I find myself already excitedly planning how once Charlie outgrows his current aquarium I can get a mousy for that cage. Or possibly frogs.

I went to Eastern Market in Detroit this morning with Shana. It was an experience. Lots of produce, fascinating people, a beautiful baby bunny that Was the Velveteen Rabbit, antique stores with much pursage and old fur collars and hats and such. And furniture. A few of the highlights were a little round suitcase that had a very old DTW luggage tag on it; a succesor/supplement to this tooled leather shoulder bag that I have; a dresser made out of packing crates; a red fur fedora-type women's hat; a pink purlescent handbag that so needed to have matching shoes; and the killer that just stole my heart: all the pieces were labeled with little descriptive tags, such as 'oak chest', '175 year old armoire!!'. This one was labelled simply 'Great hat'. It was emerald green braid, with a big bow and rhinestones along the brim, shallow crown with a very wide brim for setting at a slightly cocky angle. It was My Hat. I had to walk past three strangers to get to the mirror and they all voiced the opinion that it was Me. They should have relabeled it 'Bethany's hat'. But I didn't have $30. We later, in another antique store found the perfect little handbag to match it, now all I need is to find the shoes and I'll be the coolest hipster ever.

What I need is a digital camera. Among other things. Like that hat.

Detroit is really a great place. It's all urban decay and shitty streets and beautiful old burnt out houses in the middle of empty lots. It's really hard to vision Detroit as the rich prosperous cityscape that it once was. When Detroit started to fail, it must have been amazing to be a poor person moving into those ritzy downtown apartments and houses.

Urban malaise and post-urban holocaust and etc are. yes.


There was a Mich house party last night and it was really good to see Isaac again. I need to remember to hang out with him more. It was a Michael Jackson themed party, and I just couldn't get my act together to dress up, which is unfortunate, because I like dressing up. I had a pretty good time, working the circuit a little dancin' a little schmoozin', until I took a noise violation for the house. That sorta takes the P out of your arty. And it was the second one of the night that the cops issued at our house and so they were none too nice about it. I was very polite with them of course, but thinking to myself "It's not going to work to make me feel like a bad person for being here, living in this house, participating in this party. Sorry." So I went to bed after that.

Got up early to feed the Bird, and go to market.

This was a really good day except that I despite my valiant efforts, my attempts to get work done for the weekend have been none too successful. And tomorrow's work holiday. Blood muffin.


Listening to lately: Frank Sinatra, The Postal Service, Neutral Milk Hotel, Johnny Cash (rest in peace my mystery man in black).

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
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