hello moon.
stars of we are: 06 May 2004, 1:00 am.
Non-social phase 1:

My parents are in fact moving to Arlington. The first thought in my mind is "Well then what the hell am I going to do with all my books? and the sewing machine?" Now I need to find someone to be book sitter, or sell most of them. A book-sitter, that's what I need. Book boarding.

I started looking tentatively for jobs in Washington for the summer. Subsequently discovered that I'm entirely unqualified for the workforce. Which is OK with me as I didn't really want to work for anyone anyway, but simultaneously unfortunate considering my current serious defecit in the Suga' Daddy, Unexpected Inheritance, and Trust Fund departments.

Also, has anyone ever actually Looked at what this Fulbright business is all about? Cause they give you serious money. US living wage, plus "maintenance stipend," plus travel/relocation expenses.

Also, graduate school looks pretty sexy, but I have to promise myself to keep hands off for a while. Started on rewriting my Russian final project in english, so that I have something to show to a wider audience, and something to work grant proposals off of. I figure I could turn it into an actual thesis project or do a short term research thingy and write something for publication. Gotta do more back research though too.

And then there's Annabelle. She's been keeping me distracted and frustrated for a while now.

Vice is a good thing right? What is goodness without vice? And to err is human and vice is basically just an error of quantity and restraint. So vice is human enough, when you get down to it. So enjoy your vice. This week is Lust week. Get lusty with your vice.

track and field.

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005