hello moon.
a list: 2001-05-11, 9:58 a.m..
10 May 2001, 9:58p

(note. i made this list two days ago. i'm just lazy and didn't put it up then.)

Things I Want:

-A pen that isn't green

-My room to be clean

-A second job for summer to magically fall into my lap

-A scholarship for next year to magically fall into my lap

-to have some clue what the fuck i'm doing

-a kitty

-my old courduroy pants back

-to be less inertial

-to be less hypochondriacal

-to be less massive

-to be less vain

-to kick this habit of picking at my scalp

-enough money to fix the van up and take good care of it

-for us to actually have a party this weekend

-to be joseph's friend

-to be less jealous

-to create something good

-define good

-to eliminate hypocrisy

-to be good at something

-to be a living embodiment of desire

-to get noticed

-some good skirts

-some good pants

-some good shirts

-a good place to sew

-fabric. a fabric store that doesn't suck

-a loom

-a rain slicker and hat. prefferably red

-a new big black umbrella

-more coats

-coating weight wool

-a closet

-a good steel cased old Nikon SLR camera that not only takes really good pictures, but can bash someone's skull in if necessary

-to be good at the job i have right now


-plants. lots of them. a veritable fucking jungle

-to surprise someone

-a blender

-to cut my hair, but have the ability to grow it back at will

-not to crave food(s)

-self control

-to role-play more/again

-something obsessive to keep my hands busy

-to have a large supply of taped Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes at hand in order to watch at will

-cowboy bee-bop

-Vash the Stampede

-to be less self-conscious

-to be a Weetzie Bat

-for my hamstrings to be more flexible


-the gym to be free over summer

-a bigger better bike

-to sweat less

-to want fewer things

-to be able to keep up with the big boys

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
fortune cooky - 21 September 2005
dinner discourse - 20 August 2005
Me and Teddy G. - 09 August 2005
miao? - 09 August 2005
a march of pub - 06 August 2005