hello moon.
welcome to the "what the hell am i still doing up?" club: 19 February 2002, 10:07 am.
OK, well this is me. i'm here. i haven't slept since yesterday sometime. like the morning, when i got up at 7:40ish and did all my going to class various things. i stayed up all night working on a paper which is due in 4 hours and not even close to being done yet. I have a page of writing and a page of notes and no structure. I actually wrote another paper last night as well. I finished that one at 10something, i wrote it in my bedroom, then i left for the fishbowl.

around 3a me and Isaac went to the Fleetwood, a funkass little diner, and approximately the only thing open 24 hours in Ann Arbor. i had coffee and the "hippie's breakfast" which was all the hell too much food and i ate most of it anyway. it glistened with grease. it was lovely. there was toast and jam in little restaurant jam packet thingys. there were people smoking and i so wanted their cigarettes. instead we read comics and talked about the merits of ketchup and how my grandpa makes up nasty sandwiches involving salsa and peanut butter to irritate my grandma and um. other things. i don't remember. it kept me awake for a while.

um. and. and then i went back to the lab and procrastinated some more, writing email to Sat, who was apparently also up all night working hopelessly on a paper. I got to work 15 minutes early and opened up myself and got coffee and felt self-conscious about my ratty state. but i guess its OK to be ratty occaisionally, because nobody mentioned it. and besides i've been dressing extra nice quite a bit of late, because i want to, and it hasn't gone unnoticed and so that can balance out a particularly ratty unslempt sort of day.

now i have my second wind and i'm out of work and i'm once again avoiding the paper. John was such a crutch - but a very useful one! I'd go and talk all my disparate ideas at him and he'd return to me a structure. it's hard to have structure and coherence without sleep. this is a large failure in the whole "all nighter" thingy. oh well, it doesn't have to be a great paper. as long as it gets done.

i decided to drop the one class i'm thinking of, I think this will be a very good idea. it will free up four entire hours out of my regular day schedule, (which i very well might try to fill up with more work..) but it will free up a ton of not doing reading time as well, which would prove highly useful. I really got myself in over my head with 18 credits this semester. i don't know why.

i need there to be such thing as good paper writing music. there isn't any that works for me, it distracts me. actually i did listen to some Portishead in the wee hours of the morning, very softly, and I was getting some work done then...


okay then. well, yeah. so this is me right now. i apparently get very talkative with this second wind thing. maybe it will translate into paper things. like a paper.

OK OK, i'm going already!

dairyland:: <::> :archivy ::GB:etc
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